Alles van: Elen Caldecott
Resultaat 1 - 2 (van 2)
Elen Caldecott How Ali Ferguson saved Houdini
"Ali Ferguson has just moved into Lever Tower with his mum. It's not long before he meets Caitlin and the Alsatian dog she looks after, Falcon, who doesn't take too kindly to being walked on a lead. Caitlin introduces Ali to her best friend, Gez, and together the three set out to discover, firstly, why the foxes have disappeared from the area, secondly, why the owls have appeared and, thirdly, why Miss Osborne has, it seems, vanished... And how exactly her disappearance is related to the previous...
Engels | 224 pagina's (0,6 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Elen Caldecott How Kirsty Jenkins stole the elephant
"Kirsty Jenkins adores the allotment her grandfather lovingly tends and, just before he dies, he asks Kirsty to look after it for him. But when horrible Mr Thomas from the council insists it must go to the next person on the waiting list, Kirsty is determined to find a way to keep her promise.After pleading with Mr Thomas and demonstrating at the council offices, Kirsty and her half-siblings undertake their most daring plan of all: to `borrow' the stuffed elephant from the museum that Mr Thomas loves...
Engels | 272 pagina's (0,6 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014