Resultaat 901 - 912 (van 912)
Henny Struik Niet ongevoelig
vrouwen met autisme
Analyse van de specifieke problemen waarmee meisjes en vrouwen met een autismespectrumstoornis te maken hebben.
Nederlands | ePub, 0,3 MB | Kok, Baarn | 2012
Tjerk de Reus | H.M. van Praag God, religie en ons brein
in gesprek met Herman M. van Praag
Interviews met de invloedrijke Nederlandse psychiater (1929) over psychiatrie, medische biologie en religie en over zijn persoonlijke visie op religie en zijn joodse achtergrond.
Nederlands | ePub, 1,2 MB | Kok, Baarn | 2012
Susan Marletta-Hart Voluit leven met hooggevoeligheid
Lezers van het boek 'Leven met hooggevoeligheid' gaven aan dat ze veel hadden aan de praktische tips en oefeningen om zich beter in hun vel te voelen. Daarom heeft Susan Marletta-Hart nu een vervolg geschreven vol handvatten om het leven als hooggevoelige ook echt voluit te kunnen gaan leven. Ik ervaar zelf dagelijks aan den lijve dat wij in een snelle wereld leven waarin je je als bedachtzame hooggevoelige vaak overrompeld voelt en onder druk gezet. Met als gevolg: stress en verlies van levenskwaliteit....
Nederlands | 283 pagina's (ePub, 0,4 MB) | Ten Have, Utrecht | 2009
Esther van der Heijden | Inge van der Heijden Autisme in het gezin
verrijking of probleem?
Positieve en praktische kijk op de opvoeding van autistische kinderen met oog voor hun gaven en talenten.
Nederlands | 128 pagina's (ePub2, 0,8 MB) | AnkhHermes, Utrecht | 2013
Yvonne Toeset Innerlijke rust met EFT
bevrijd jezelf met Emotional Freedom Techniques
Spanning voor een examen of presentatie? Stressklachten door de drukte op je werk? Oude emoties die maar blijven opspelen? Iedereen ervaart regelmatig fysieke of emotionele ongemakken die ons belemmeren in het dagelijks leven. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) kan je helpen om spanningen en emoties direct te verminderen. Het is een simpele en doeltreffende techniek waarbij je je gedachten vestigt op jouw specifieke klacht terwijl je met je vingers en handen acupunctuurpunten beklopt. EFT wordt beschouwd...
Nederlands | ePub2, 0,7 MB | Spectrum, Houten | 2011
Jan Geurtz Quit smoking in one day
"Quit Smoking In One Day" is one of the most successful books written on ending cigarette addiction. Originally published in Holland and translated into many other languages it is now available in English for the first time. Countless people have quit smoking after reading this book. If you want to quit smoking then this book will help you succeed without withdrawal symptoms, no noticeable weight gain and without using force or self discipline. A proven method used successfully for more than 15 years....
Engels | ePub2, 1 MB | Ambo, Amsterdam | 2014
David Mangene How to not kill yourself
10 tips for troubled times
Men don’t have mental health problems. Well maybe they do, but they struggle to talk about them and to ask for help. David Mangene wants to help this situation by removing the taboo, and encouraging men especially to talk about mental health issues. David has struggled his entire adult life with depression, mania, and suicidal thoughts. In this book he uses humor as a vehicle to write candidly, and quite bluntly at times, about his own life and the reasons to carry on living. “And one last thing:...
Engels | 144 pagina's (ePub2, 0,8 MB) | Lev., Amsterdam | 2020
Jan Schouten | Joke Lingsma Personal effectiveness
how to speak up, open up end stand firm
Finding the right way to stand up for yourself without needlessly offending other people. That is what is at the heart of assertive behaviour. Being able to express your wishes and opinions, not allowing other people to walk all over you, being more confident in relationships with people you know and people that you are less familiar with and above all being aware of those situations where it is important to behave assertively. You can achieve that with this book. The practical exercises show you...
Engels | 166 pagina's (ePub2, 1,8 MB) | Thema, Zaltbommel | 2010
Hannah Cuppen Love phobia
how to overcome your fear of commitment and abandonment
'Would you like to have a relationship but do you find that your partner always withdraws? Do you keep falling in love with someone who is already taken? Or do you have the tendency to keep the other person at a distance, just as they are beginning to develop feelings for you? If you keep ending up in situations like this, you might recognise the dance of pursuit and withdrawal. You’re not the only one! The fundamental conflict between our need for intimacy and our need for freedom creates this game...
Engels | ePub2, 0,8 MB | AnkhHermes, Utrecht | 2021
Jan Schouten I won't let them get to me
self-management stress and tension
Almost everyone today suffers from stress at some point or another and to a lesser or greater extent. Tension, feeling haunted, a feeling of not being able to cope any more, either at home or at work. How stress arises, how it manifests itself, and above all, what you can do about it is covered in this book. It also contains a number of practices that will help readers to overcome stress problems. Jan Schouten is a psychotherapist, organisational consultant and writer. In 1977 he introduced the concept...
Engels | 96 pagina's (ePub2, 1,9 MB) | Thema, Zaltbommel | 2010
Jan Geurtz Addicted to love
the path to self-acceptance and happiness in relationships
In Addicted to Love, Jan Geurtz clearly demonstrates how our search for love and approval stems from a fundamental self-rejection. We try to compensate for this by seeking other people’s appreciation. But this is counterproductive: it actually makes us more insecure and therefore increasingly dependent. This creates an addiction to love, approval and the security of a relationship. As a result, most romantic relationships eventually fail, or – perhaps even worse – are reduced to dreary co-existence...
Engels | 192 pagina's (ePub2, 1,7 MB) | Ambo|Anthos, Amsterdam | 2017
Roderik Bender | Theo IJzermans How can I turn a mountain back into a molehill?
rational effectiveness training for advanced students
How Can I Turn a Mountain Back into a Molehill? Rational Effectiveness Training for Advanced Students The enormous success of The Stumbling Blocks of the Mind makes one thing eminently clear: there is a great need for a method to improve the way that we deal with certain work situations that cause stress, frustration and non-productive behaviour. Rational Effectiveness Training (RET) is exactly that kind of method. With 'How Can I Turn a Mountain Back into a Molehill?' IJzermans and Bender have produced...
Engels | 106 pagina's (ePub2, 1,8 MB) | Thema, Zaltbommel | 2010