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E-book | voor telefoon of tablete-readerpc of laptop
There are many reasons why things go wrong in the way teams work together. With this book you learn to what degree certain factors can influence the way your team operates. The starting point for a lot of the questions and assignments is always your team. You will be confronted with questions such as How does that work in my team? What do I want to improve? and How can I go about that?. The book closes with a procedure that your team can use for setting up a work programme for team improvement. Jan Schouten is a psychotherapist, organisational consultant and writer. In 1977 he introduced the concept of Assertive Training to the Netherlands to a large group of people (1981) via a television channel, all within a short space of time. Assertiveness is now part of everyday life in the Netherlands. Jan Schouten is also founder of the Schouten & Nelissen Group. Anke Baak studied public relations and (organisational) sociology. She is currently the manager responsible for Organisational Development within Schouten & Nelissen. She advises companies on organisational change, management development, performance management and culture change. She also assists management teams on co-operation questions. Wiebe Kamminga was a trainer and organisational consultant for Schouten & Nelissen in Zaltbommel. He focused on change and learning processes among individuals and groups in knowledge organisations. He died in February 1997. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie