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Managers today seem to have to be jacks-of-all-trades. Delegating, co-operating, motivating, planning and even keeping up to date with developments as well as taking training courses: this is what is expected of managers today. But who can possibly do all of these things at one time? Dirkx en Van den Dungen show us which skills you need to be a manager, how you can obtain these skills and how you can put them into practice without becoming completely snowed under. Using models, recommendations and practical examples they cover the most important management skills. Theory background is also covered, but in the form of bullet points; it is the practical aspects of management that are always given precedence. Both authors have worked for many years in the world of management training and are familiar with all its practical workings. In The Netherlands, 'When Management Is Your Profession' has become a standard reference for practical management skills. Coen Dirkx is a political scientist and specialist in communication and socialisation processes. He was communication specialist at Schouten & Nelissen and then head of Marketing, Communication and PR at SBI, a training, coaching and consulting agency. Coen Dirkx is currently senior communication consultant at NS Vastgoed in Utrecht. Anton van den Dungen studied social and organisational psychology. He started his career as a teacher and training co-ordinator in higher vocational training. Since 1991 he has been working as a trainer/counsellor for Schouten & Nelissen within the Dutch Centre for Leadership sector. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie